We recently eliminated our concerns of Fair Work Compliance by engaging the services of Australia's leading workplace relations specialists, Employsure.
Employsure provides a cost-effective service for complete protection and peace-of-mind for employee management and workplace compliance.
Within our fixed monthly fee, they completely reviewed our workplace processes and provided us with a policies and procedures handbook along with new employee contracts. We also receive unlimited, 24/7 proactive and professional advice on employment relations. If we're ever faced with a claim, their in-house specialists will advise us every step of the way and if required, their legal partner, Sparke Helmore Lawyers, will provide professional representation.
To protect yourself against any potential worplace relations issues you can contact Shyam Bond who is our Business Development Manager at Employsure on 0499 992 562. He can help arrange an obligation free meeting so you can benefit as much as we are.