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Payroll Support

Taking the stress out of pay day should

be as easy as picking up the telephone.


Now you have complete peace of mind knowing that your payroll support needs are being met. With e-PayDay Payroll Support Specialists just a phone call away, take the stress out of your Pay Day!

In the event of your Pay Person being absent or leaving, the necessity arises for another employee to 'fill their shoes'. e-PayDay® payroll support personnel have experienced this on many occasions where an employee has telephoned greatly distressed, being inexperienced in payroll. Payroll support specialists are just a phone call away, and with support included with your payroll they are there to assist in every possible way.


Please remember that e-PayDay® Payroll Support Personnel are not registered Taxation or BAS agents and therefore are unable to provide payroll advice. They will assist you in the use of the software in obtaining your desired outcome based on advice provided to you by your Accountant or Bookkeeper which is your responsibility to obtain.

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