CALL 1300 EPAYDAY (1300 372 932)
V14.05 – Released 30 March 2016
Optional ‘Classic’ setting for Pay Run window when set displays the column and row lines in the grids. Similar look as Series 13 and below.
Added button enabling the ability to delete pay lines when clicking ? in the Pay Run window.
The item select window (Reports) is no longer a fixed height. It now dynamically resizes on loading using the number of items and the main window height. (V14.03)
Changed PayDay to Pay Day on the sidebar.
Changed EPUC to EP1500 and LIMIT to 100 Companies. Also changed product description to e-PayDay BE 1500 (MAXIMUM 1500 Employees, 100 Companies). (V14.03)
Changed the Pay Advisor message when the Pay Run dates have been changed to be more explanatory (in plain English) with descriptive choices.
Depreciated report, Pay Envelopes (Pre-Printed 3 Part – Letter 210 × 279mm) (Forms Express 04-351 or REDIFORM R297) no longer in production, designed for dot matrix printers. (V14.03)
Issues Resolved
Export.dat data is not loading into the e-Port window. This issue only affected users who attempted to make changes or perform a ‘Resync’ in e-Port although a normal pay run export file created correctly. (V14.01)
Added the ability to enter Extension keys manually when using e-PayDay Cloud products. (V14.02)
When the Date hired was changed, the alert was not advising to also update the Super Start Date. (V14.03)
You must close all open windows before the backup can proceed when the ‘Delete Old Financial Year window’ was open and e-PayDay® would not let you continue. (V14.03)
File > Pay Day > Health Check – corrected grammatical errors and spelling mistakes, ‘miss-matches’ changed to ‘mismatches’ and ‘inconsistances’ to ‘inconsistencies’. (V14.03)
If e-PayDay sees a SCN.LIC file, it will attempt to use this file (in the event where the file doesn’t rename). (V14.03)
Changed wording and removed phone number from Pay Advisor message displayed when an Extension is not active. (V14.03)
Run-time error 6 overflow in Reports when using the auto resizing Item Selection window. (V14.05)
V14.00 – Released 1 March 2016
e-Award™ Starter is included with every e-PayDay product.
e-Time™ Import Configuration can now be accessed from the File menu.
Detailed information about the Pay Type which is being used can now be viewed within the Employees Pay Envelope.
Leave Dates can now be viewed and adjusted within the Employees Pay Envelope.
e-Port files can now be saved to a different location to e-PayDay.
Load the e-PayDay SuperStream Gateway directly from e-PayDay.
Deductions can now be set up to automatically report to FBT, eliminating the need for manual entry.
EmpClock ID now allows ALPHA Numeric and Leading 0’s for importing times from other Time Devices.
The database conversion when upgrading to a new Version has been completely rewritten and is now up to 500% faster.
A list of employees who do not have clock in/out times will now be displayed once imported into e-Time.
An alert will be displayed if Employee Codes do not match what has been imported into e-Time.
The Software Licence Information Alert has been updated to provide more detailed information.
Minor cosmetic changes to FBT Window.
The installer has now been updated to ensure each user acknowledges the Subscription installation.
The Software Licence Agreement has now been moved to our main website, rather than only being available from within every e-PayDay Product.
On occasion, the alert to enter leave dates was showing the & symbol as _
Updated all Superannuation fields to be XX,XX% instead of XX.X%
Issues Resolved
Superannuation Funds can no longer be marked as inactive if they are linked to an Employee.
Pay Types can no longer be marked as inactive if they are linked to an Employee.
Superannuation Funds can be marked as paid without any contributions for the reporting period.
Superannuation Funds can be marked as paid outside of the previous 14 day cutoff.
The Report to Field in Pay Rates, Allowances and Deductions is now limited to 20 characters.
The Employee Transaction Report was not sorting surnames correctly – e.g. Byrnes was listed before Byrne.
If an Employee with YTD Balances was changed from PAYG to Sole Trader, certain fields only available to Sole Traders would not disappear.
If Pay Setup was Changed from Advanced to Basic, this change would not be saved unless a pay type was added or removed.