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We are continually making improvements and adding new features to e-PayDay® payroll software. Our timeline shows all of our releases with detailed information below.
V18.53 - Released 4 July 2018
Issues Resolved
Single Touch Payroll - underscore is no longer an unacceptable character in e-mail addresses.
Updated the validation rules per ATO specification for ETP's (Taxable Component can now be $0.00) when creating PSAR/SBR for EOFY Reporting
V18.52 - Released 2 July 2018
Issues Resolved
Single Touch Payroll - The Transaction Date for EOFY submissions must be set to 30/06/2XXX
V18.51 - Released 29 June 2018
Issues Resolved
There was an issue with reporting International Addresses (namely Hong Kong) through SBR V1.
There was an issue with creating a TFN Declaration for SBR V1 to use the correct (boolean) values. The incorrect code was using the values Y and N when it should have been reporting true and false.
V18.50 - Released 22 June 2018
PSAR Version 13.0.0 update (2018 EOFY Format).
e-PayDay 5 Desktop has been increased to allow up to 2 Companies with up to 5 Employees per Company.
e-PayDay 15 Desktop has been increased to allow up to 3 Companies with up to 15 Employees per Company.
e-PayDay 50 Desktop has been increased to allow up to 5 Companies with up to 50 Employees per Company.
e-PayDay 750 Desktop has been increased to allow up to 25 Companies with up to 750 Employees per Company.
e-PayDay 5 Hosted has been increased to allow up to 2 Companies with up to 5 Employees per Company.
e-PayDay 15 Hosted has been increased to allow up to 3 Companies with up to 15 Employees per Company.
e-PayDay 50 Hosted has been increased to allow up to 5 Companies with up to 50 Employees per Company.
e-PayDay 750 Hosted has been increased to allow up to 25 Companies with up to 750 Employees per Company.
PSAR will now use the Legal Entity Name (Company Name) when providing your Company details, due to Full Company Name (Payer name) being removed from Version 19.
When Electronic Transfer Option is set to STP, Payment Summary Values (Employees YTD Balances) will be renamed to STP Reporting Values and Total Allowances will no longer display, due to how they are now classified/reported.
Once a User Access Account is established, the username will be automatically populated the next time e-PayDay® is opened/run.
FAST-Bank File Creation Reminder now displays once Post is clicked BUT before the backup is created.
Pay Disbursements – FAST-Bank now includes the Tax (PAYG) and Superannuation (SG) Holding Accounts.
Issues Resolved
Resolved the inability to select the Help Icon in Advanced Pay Set Up.
The Links.INI (links to the Online Guide) was being downloaded to the client installation instead of the server installation.
V18.21 - Released 21 June 2018
Issues Resolved
As Single Touch Payroll reporting does not allow negative Ordinary Time Earnings (OTE) for Superannuation amounts, we updated the file creation checks to ensure STP files cannot be created if a negative amount is located.
As all Single Touch Payroll reporting must include superannuation amounts, we have updated the file creation specifications to ensure STP files always include OTE for SG YTD and Superannuation Guarantee YTD, even if they are both $0.00.
Due to the above, a new SBR Client was also released (V2.0.0.1).
V18.20 - Released 18 June 2018
Changes that WILL affect you from this installation;
Due to Australian Government Operational (Security) Framework requirements, User Access Accounts are required to continue processing your payroll from this release. Until a User Access Account is established by you, you will be presented with a default user access account upon startup.
We've updated to Version 3 (2018 Format) of the mandatory government Single Touch Payroll reporting requirements, which will affect you from 1 July 2018 (if you're processing payroll for 20 or more employees or will begin to after 1 July 2018).
Due to a number of functionality issues, the following reports have been hard-coded to Current Fund Period only. If you still require specific date range reporting, please select the Total Periodic Superannuation Contributions report instead;
Employer Periodic SG Contributions report.
Employer Periodic SG Contributions (1 Page per Fund) report.
Non SG Periodic Contributions report.
Other New Features, Improvements and Issues Resolved in this Version below;
- Allowance Transactions Report which has been specifically added for Single Touch Payroll Reporting.
Tax File Number Declaration Form updated to include Working Holiday Makers (TFN V3).
e-Time Adjusted and Initial Scan Report can now be e-Mailed from Pay Day Reports.
e-Time Initial Scan Report can now be e-Mailed from Pay Day Reports.
e-Time Time Card can now be e-Mailed from Pay Day Reports.
e-PayDay Desktop Clients ONLY: Renew your e-PayDay Subscription directly from within the software by accessing your licence information.
Added a quick link to the e-PayDay Admin Tool, under the Help Menu.
Up to 9 digits (eg. $9,999,999.99) can now be recorded when entering Year To Date Taxation Balances.
Up to 45 characters can now be entered in the description when adding a new Pay Rate, Allowance or Deduction.
Pay Advice Slips (Transactions YTD) has been updated to display entered opening year-to-date balances in the YTD Column.
Expected Payment Date has been removed from Super Manager as it is obsolete and no longer required. This feature was previously added due to Fair Work Pay Slip requirements which are no longer in effect.
Payment History in Super Manager is now sorted in date order - previously payment records would display in any order.
Unpaid SG in Super Manager now also displays Reportable Employer Superannuation Contributions (RESC).
Payroll Analysis has been updated to include Reportable Employer Superannuation Contributions (RESC).
Payroll Analysis - Landscape has been updated to include Reportable Employer Superannuation Contributions (RESC).
Payroll Analysis Total Monthly has been updated to include Reportable Employer Superannuation Contributions (RESC).
Payroll Analysis Total Weekly has been updated to include Reportable Employer Superannuation Contributions (RESC).
Payroll Analysis Total Yearly has been updated to include Reportable Employer Superannuation Contributions (RESC).
Issues Resolved
Saving a User Access Account with a password starting with the character 'M' caused errors as this letter converts to a non-alpha character upon saving.
Group Condition Not Found error displayed when generating the Super Fund Payment Records Report as this report cannot be sorted by the Sort Criteria, options that are available. Therefore, this ability has been removed.
Group Condition Not Found error displayed when generating the Super Fund Payment Records (No Details) Report as this report cannot be sorted by the Sort Criteria, options that are available. Therefore, this ability has been removed.
The Edit Icon would sometimes disappear after making and saving changes in Super Manager.
OTE Hours/QTY will no longer display on Pay Advice Slips (Transactions YTD) for Salary Employees. Leave Hours/Qty can still be displayed by following How do I show QTY for Leave Payments for Salaried Employees?
Inability to sort Ceased (Terminated) Employees by Pay Location/Department has been resolved.
The Total Periodic Superannuation Contributions report was not including all Superannuation Guarantee Amounts (although displayed on the report) in the Employee Totals when the Employee moved between Superannuation funds during the reporting period.
Where there were more Deductions than Pay Rates / Allowances on the Pay Slip/s , the Pay Rates / Allowances section of the pay slip will show $0.00 next to each transaction line. Removed the additional and not required $00.00's.
V18.11 - Released 12 April 2018
Issues Resolved
An error would display when attempting to email Pay Advice Slips (Transactions YTD) due to the addition of Reportable Employer Superannuation Contributions (RESC).
The Superannuation Fund/Clearing House FAST-Super Wizard would display an error when attempting to create a SuperStream File stating there are no payments to process.
The e-PayDay Gateway FAST-Super Wizard would display an error when attempting to create a SuperStream File stating there are no payments to process.
V18.10 - Released 12 April 2018
Reportable Employer Superannuation Contributions (RESC)
Print Pay Slips is now available from the Pay Day Menu.
Go To Folder has been added to the Superannuation Fund/Clearing House FAST-Super Wizard to simplify locating the file save location.
Go To Folder has been added to the e-PayDay Gateway FAST-Super Wizard to simplify locating the file save location.
Pay Rate Types replaced by Schedule 5 – Tax table for back payments, commissions, bonuses and similar paymen
Full Company Name (Payer name) decommissioned.
For ease of use (customer feedback), the Start Navigator does not automatically load after a new Company is added.
Your Software Licence file will be automatically downloaded every time e-PayDay is opened (where less than 30 days is remaining), no longer requiring you to load your Software Licence File manually.
A number of cosmetic changes to Single Touch Payroll (STP) Allowance and Deduction YTD Balances.
Delete functionality added to Single Touch Payroll (STP) Allowance and Deduction YTD Balances.
Removed Employee SG Details Quarterly Report (SGLAUDITQ.RPT) as it has been replaced over time with more suitable reports.
Removed Employee SG Details YTD Report (SGLAUDITY.RPT) as it has been replaced over time with more suitable reports.
BAS Sample - Quarterly Report reinstated.
Some clients were reporting lengthy delays with the automatic download of the Links.ini (links to the Online Guide) when e-PayDay is run.
Issues Resolved
Due to current reporting requirements, PSAR (End of Financial Year) has been restored to Version 12.
Error 13 (mismatch) would display if an incomplete date (eg. 13 instead of 13/02/2018) was entered during a pay run.
Time in Lieu (Accrued) was previously not being included under Pay Rates & Allowances on Pay Advice Slips (Transactions YTD) & e-Mail Pay Advice Slips (Transactions YTD)
V18.01 - Released 22 February 2018
Issues Resolved
'Invalid use of Null' error would display when updating Allowance and Deduction YTD STP Balances due to a coding error.
V18.00 - Released 21 February 2018
Single Touch Payroll
What is Single Touch Payroll?
How does Single Touch Payroll affect me?
When do I have to start reporting through Single Touch Payroll?
What changes is e-PayDay making to comply with Single Touch Payroll?
How do I get ready for Single Touch Payroll from 1 July 2018?
Changes in Company
Trading Name (Payer trading name) has been renamed to Legal Entity name (Company Name). The Legal Entity Name will print on all reports and pay slips generated in e-PayDay.
Use XXXX as Posting Date is automatically set to Payment Date and cannot be changed.
Removed the ability to 'turn off' the automatic Check YTD Balances against Transactions alert displayed when the pay run is posted.
Removed the ability to 'turn off' the automatic Check Paytotals against Paylines alert displayed when the pay run is posted.
STP has been added to Electronic Transfer Option.
Supplier/Contact Company has been changed to Supplier/Contact Legal Entity Name (Company Name)
BMS ID has been added to SBR Setup and is automatically assigned when the Electronic Transfer Option is set to STP.
SBR Setup: Trading Name (Payer Trading Name) has been updated to Legal Entity Name (Company Name)
Changes in Pay Types
An STP Code can now be assigned to Allowances.
An STP Code can now be assigned to Deductions.
Updated Itemise this Deduction on the ATO Payment Summary to Itemise this Deduction for reporting to the ATO.
Updated DO NOT Itemise this Deduction on the ATO Payment Summary to DO NOT itemise this Deduction for reporting to the ATO.
Changes in Employees
- Re-Instatement Wizard - Termination/Terminated has been renamed to Cessation/Ceased.
- Employee List Window has been updated to display Ceased (instead of Terminated) Employees.
- Search and Replace has been updated to display Cessation (instead of Termination).
- Termination is now Cessation.
- As Allowances are required to be reported as individual items (not a combined YTD Amount), a new window has been added in Taxation - Allowances and Deductions for users migrating YTD Balances to e-PayDay®.
- Date Hired and Cessation Date can now be identical.
- OTE for Super YTD.
- Changes in Pay Day
- Pay Day Menu - Process Pays. Cessation Pay Run has now been added
- Pay Day Menu - Finalise Pay Run has now been renamed to Post Pay Run
- Termination has been renamed to Cessation
- Where the Employee cessation date is in the previous Financial Year but they received a payment in the current Financial Year, they will now be available once Employment has ceased in the current Financial Year Data. Previously the Employee would be 'archived' and unavailable in the current Financial Year Data.
- Finalise has been renamed to Post
- Each time a pay run is posted, the ability to create your STP file and submit your Payroll Information will be available
- If the automatic Check YTD Balances against Transactions alert returns a mismatch, you will be unable to compose any further pay runs until the issue is resolved
- If the automatic Check Paytotals against Paylines alert returns a mismatch, you will be unable to compose any further pay runs until the issue is resolved
- Changes to Pay Slips & Pay Day Reports
- As Trading Names are no longer used, all Pay Slips have been updated to display the Legal Entity name (Company Name).
- Pay Advice Slips (1 Up) (Plain Paper A4 – Trading Name) has been depreciated.
- e-Mail Pay Advice Slips (1 Up) (Plain Paper A4 – Trading Name) has been depreciated.
- Changes in Tax (Main Menu Bar)
- STP - Submit Update
- STP - Submit EOFY Update
- STP - Single Touch Payroll Health Check
- Changes to EOFY (File Menu in Main Menu Bar)
- Back Up, Archive and Start New Financial Year have been combined for FYE 2018
- Payment Summaries will now provide the actual Employment Dates, not 01/07/20XX to 30/06/20XX.
- The Practice Company has been updated with all required STP information.
- Additional Tax Amount has been added to display on Pay Advice Slips (Transactions YTD)
The Public Holidays Import has now been updated for 2018 and 2019 in e-Leave.
Full Stops are now a valid character when adding an Award Classification.
Each time e-PayDay is run, the Software Licence will be automatically downloaded to ensure it is up-to-date.
Each time e-PayDay is run, the (links to the Online Guide) will be automatically downloaded to ensure they are up-to-date.
Pay Slip XML Export for all Employees updated to match Single Touch Payroll specifications.
Where an Employee ceases employment, the Cessation Date will now print on the Payment Summary (Previously if the Cessation Date was within 35 days of EOFY, 30/06/20XX would display).
Issues Resolved
A number of reports returned an error as Sort Criteria was incorrectly made available.
The Withholding Tax Total/Weekly Report was combining two pay runs that fell within the same reporting period with different pay run dates.
Fixed Issue with Pay Types Window not correctly displaying controls.
Where an Employee has not provided a TFN or the Temporary TFN has expired, all Pay Rates, Allowances and Deductions will be taxed at the highest marginal rate (currently 47% as at 1/07/2017).
Current and Previous Releases