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Series 21
Series 21
V21.30 - Released 21 October 2020
- Changes to the following Tax Scales based on Treasury Laws Amendment (A Tax Plan for the COVID-19 Economic Recovery) Bill 2020, effective 13th October 2020,
- Tax Scale 1 (Australian Resident, Tax Free Threshold is NOT claimed)
- Tax Scale 2 (Australian Resident claiming the Tax Free Threshold)
- Tax Scale 3 (Foreign Resident)
- Tax Scale 4 (Tax File Number NOT Provided)
- Tax Scale 5 (FULL exemption from Medicare Levy)
- Tax Scale 6 (HALF exemption from Medicare Levy)
- Study and Training Support Loan (STSL)
- Medicare Levy
- Single (Senior Australians)
- Member of a Couple (Senior Australians)
- Illness Separated (Senior Australians)
V21.21 - Released 8 September 2020
- Updated the JobKeeper Eligibility Report based on the ATO's recent changes.
Issues Resolved
- If a NEW Employees Tax File Number Declaration Form was not completed, access to PayDay was NOT available from the Floating Pay Day Man.
- The Employee Emergency Contacts Report was removing _ and - from e-mail addresses.
- The Employer Periodic Superannuation Contributions Report was displaying incorrectly calculated carried forward amounts when the super fund was marked as paid before the period ended.
V21.20 - Released 3 August 2020
- Now includes the ability to disable the Latest Payroll News Reminder, which displays before the pay run is commenced.
Transfer to new Computer now includes all files required for a new PC (has never had e-PayDay® Installed).
Issues Resolved
If the Employee's Pay was not saved before closing after the Pay Run Payment Date, the FAST-Bank File would not update and used the previous payment date.
The Individual Non-Business Payment Summary has been updated to display the Itemized Allowance and Deduction balances based on the employee record, rather than the transactions processed in the pay run.
V21.10 - Released 24 July 2020
Issues Resolved
Total Tax Withheld can now be higher than Gross Payments, to cater for Employees choosing to Salary Sacrifice JOBKEEPER-TOPUP to Non-Super Payments
When processed in the same pay run, Concessional Superannuation Contributions will be deducted from any and all Schedule 5 - Method A payments before tax is calculated
Due to Single Touch Payroll Reporting requirements, the Employees Employee Code can no longer be changed once a new financial year is commenced.
The Pay Run can no longer be posted from the Pay Run Window, Pay Day Navigator, or PayDay Drop Down Menu if mandatory information required to create the Pay Event is missing.
An Update Event can now be sent after your EOFY Event to unfinalise the previous Financial Year report
Date Hired is in the future error was incorrectly displaying when posting the Pay Run from the Pay Day Navigator and PayDay Drop Down Menu.
Date Hired is in the future error was incorrectly displaying when processing a Health Check.
Date Hired is in the future error was incorrectly displaying when processing an Allowance and Deduction YTD Balance Update.
Pay Advice Slips (Transactions YTD) has been updated to correctly display the YTD Balances based on the Financial Year it was paid in, not the year it was printed in.
Pay Advice Slips (Transactions YTD) has been updated to correctly display the Pay Types used based on the Financial Year it was paid in, not the year it was printed in.
The FAST-Bank Report can once again be printed from the PayDay Drop Down Menu.
Attachments for e-mailing payslips are now completed removed when cleared.
V21.00 - Released 8 and 17 June 2020 (NEW Financial Year Release)
Latest Payroll News Reminder, which displays before the pay run is commenced.
Added Financial Year Ending 2021.
The Practice Company has been updated for FYE 30 June 2021.
Study and Training Support Loan Rates and Thresholds increased for FYE 30 June 2021.
Issues Resolved
The Pay Disbursements Report is limited to the current pay run and therefore has been removed from Main Reports.
Updated the JobKeeper Eligibility Report to include Salary Employees.
Updated the JobKeeper Eligibility Report to exclude Employees ceased prior to 1st March 2020.
Extended the Pay Type Report to Field from 18 to 40 characters
Allowance Description now allows ANY of the following, A-Z a-z 0-9 ! @ $ % & * ( ) - = [ ] ; : ' " , . ? / or a space.
The STP Health Check is now processed within Pay Day when the Post button is clicked, rather than when the pay run window is opened. The STP Health Check can still be run manually from the Tax Drop Down Menu.
STP is automatically enabled when adding a new Company.
Updated SBR Setup to STP Info.