CALL 1300 EPAYDAY (1300 372 932)
Series 20
V20.44 - Released 7 May 2020
JobKeeper Eligibility Report
Issues Resolved
Total Tax Withheld can now be higher than Gross Payments, to cater for Employees choosing to Salary Sacrifice JOBKEEPER-TOPUP
The PayDay Window is unable to be reopened if an Employee's Address contains an invalid character.
V20.43 - Released 27 April 2020
Additional JobKeeper Guidance has been provided by the ATO, follow our guide here.
Long Service Leave Years Value will no longer be cleared if the TAB key is not pressed to change fields.
Updated the e-PayDay Support Dashboard.
Updated ALL Alerts within the software to provide the ability to self log support requests through our website here
Issues Resolved
Total Tax Withheld can now be higher than Gross Payments, to cater for Employees solely receiving the JOBKEEPER-TOPUP
When completing the electronic Tax File Number Declaration, an Employee's Tax Treatment / Australian Residency cannot be changed.
Once the Software Serial Number was updated, some Extensions would no longer function as the Key was invalid
An error would be displayed when editing the following Employee Types advising the TFN was invalid. A TFN is NOT required for this Employee Type, rather an ABN.
Sole Trader
Government Organisation,
Superannuation Fund
V20.42 - Released 17 April 2020
Single Touch Payroll Start SBR2 Client window will now disappear once the SBR2 Client has opened.
Issues Resolved
Single Touch Payroll Reportable Employer Superannuation Guarantee (specifically contributions (over 9.50%) as part of an employee's individual salary package) will no longer be deducted from the Employees Gross Income.
Single Touch Payroll Allow the ability to process Pay Runs that overlap (eg. Payment Date 2/04, Period Ending 3/04, then Payment Date 2/04, Period Ending 2/04)
V20.41 - Released 16 April 2020
Issues Resolved
Previously Weekly Single Touch Payroll Pay Run submissions could not be sent BEFORE Fortnightly and Monthly Pay Run submissions.
V20.40 - Released 8 April 2020
Updated SBR2 V3 Client to send STP submissions using Transport Layer Security (TLS) version 1.2 (ATO Operational Framework Requirement)
Updated AddEmail ActiveX Control (AddEmail.dll) to Version 4.1, improving compatibility with TLS 1.1 and 1.2.
Updated the e-PayDay Support Dashboard to correctly display e-PayDay 3 Software Client and Serial Numbers.
Updated the e-PayDay Support Dashboard to correctly display e-PayDay 10 Software Client Numbers.
Removed e-PayDay Hosted (Cloud) from Utilities Menu, as this functionality is included in other back up options.
Removed Submit EOFY Update from Tax Menu, as this functionality is already included in the File Menu.
Issues Resolved
Single Touch Payroll Pay Run and Update Submissions can now be created on the same day.
Removed the ability to select Pay Run for Single Touch Payroll reporting if a Pay Run submission has already been sent for the pay period.
Removed Reportable Employer Superannuation Guarantee from Single Touch Payroll reporting W1 amounts.
Process Pays by ALL/Selected Employees was transposing RESC Amounts into all Employees Pay Envelopes.
An error would display advising the Lump Sum A Type value was missing, once a Ceased Employee is reinstated and re-ceased through a Cessation Pay Run.
An Employees Tax File Number must always be a minimum of 9 digits (eg. 000-000-000)
Employee and Company e-Mail Addresses can no longer contain commas, 2 x @ and spaces.
e-PayDay FREEPAY no longer requires a Software Serial Number (SSN).
V20.30 - Released 10 February 2020
Renamed e-PayDay Desktop to e-PayDay Legacy (Desktop)
Renamed e-PayDay Hosted to e-PayDay Legacy (Hosted)
All Employees Tax File Number's (TFN) can be suppressed (hidden) in all Superannuation Reports, due to the Privacy and Digital Correspondence requirements for Public Practitioners.
Updated SBR2 Client, included in Version 20.30 Installer, to:
mitigate duplicate submissions
allow the ability to update the credentials in a failed submission
The Australian Taxation Office has removed 222-222-222 as a Temporary TFN from their algorithm.
Updated the Company Registration Key alert, to only display (if missing) when Pay Day or Navigator are clicked.
Updated Single Touch Payroll submissions to sort by the Folder Name (Send then Receive).
View & import the Public Holidays for Fiscal Year Ending 31 December 2020 in e-Leave.
When adding an Employee, the Tax File Number Declaration Form is no longer required to be completed or submitted electronically if the Employee's Date Hired is 30 days or more in the past. This improvement was made for new clients migrating from other payroll solutions.
When adding a new FLAT Tax Employee, Tax-Free Threshold and Are you an Australian resident for taxation purposes? are now set by default.
Added a new option to restore all minimized windows as part of the Windows Menu.
Re-itemized the options available in the Tax Menu.
In Company - SBR Setup, your password will now be displayed in plain text (unencrypted) on entry and when edit is clicked.
Updated the Employee YTD FBT Balances Window for FYE 2020.
Updated e-Mail Pay Advice Slips (1 Up) to Include the Employees Address, similar to Pay Advice Slp (1 Up) (DL Envelope).
Issues Resolved
The ability to select Employees ceased in a prior Financial year has now been removed from the Single Touch Payroll Update Submission.
When processing a Cessation / Termination Pay Run, Long Service Leave Redundancy is now being deducted from the Long Service Leave balance.
When processing a pay run, some clients reported an issue with the taxation calculation of tax averaged leave. We've also updated the alert to further explain what effect this will have on the employee pay.
When processing a Pay Run using FAST-Pay, some clients reported an issue where the next employee in the file would be affected by the previous employees' tax adjustment (caused by tax averaged leave and set disbursement amounts).
Your Software Serial Number is no longer required when installing e-PayDay on a new Computer, and connecting to the existing Data on your Server / Mapped Network Drive.
An issue was reported where the STP Submissions were not available in SBR due to an issue with the registry.
When changing between the Pay Advice (Transactions YTD) (Report Period set to Year To Date) and the Payroll Analysis Reports in Pay Day Reports, the date selection menu did not redisplay, causing an SQL error.
Banked Hours Accrued was being incorrectly applied as the default Pay Rate (instead of Award Rate) to new employees added using the comprehensive method.
V20.10 - Released 1 August 2019
As Single Touch Payroll Reporting is now mandatory for all Employers, you can use e-PayDay for free for up to 2 employees. Once you employ your third employee, a purchased Subscription is required to continue.
With Single Touch Payroll Reporting being mandatory for all Employers, SBR (previous EOFY reporting method) has been removed.
SBR (previous EOFY reporting method) has been removed, any clients set to this reporting format will be automatically updated to PSAR upon installation of this release.
Where the Reporting format is set to PSAR, a reminder alert has been implemented into Pay Day to advise STP is not enabled, and provides a link to the Single Touch Payroll Getting Started Guide.
Due to Single Touch Payroll Reporting, the Employees Employee Code can no longer be changed once a pay run has been processed for them.
The latest version of e-PayDay will no longer install if the program is open while performing an upgrade.
Updated all instances of End of Financial Year to End Of Financial Year.
Issues Resolved
Updated SBR2 Client, which is included in Version 20.10 install, to allow the user to enter their correct Username and Password, in the event they have been entered into e-PayDay incorrectly.
The Practice Company has been updated to remove the ability to add new Employees and edit the example Employees, as some users have used the Practice Company instead of creating their own Company by following the Getting Started Guide.
With the implementation of e-PayDay 10 Desktop and e-PayDay 10 Hosted, Help > e-PayDay Support has been updated to now display the correct Software Client Number (SCN).
Restore Data from Accountant will now prevent you from restoring if it will cause you to exceed the number of allowed Companies in your Subscription.
Both Mobile Phone and Home Phone Numbers are now accepted for your Employees in Single Touch Payroll Reporting.
Removed Invalid Phone Number from the Pre-Pay Run STP Health Check alert, to re-enable access to the Pay Run Window once pays have already been composed.
Added Invalid Phone Number to the Pre-Pay Run Posting STP Health Check alert, to ensure you STP event is created without error.
The Allowance YTD Summary Report was not displaying all Employees who were paid a reportable allowance.
A Tax File Declaration Form is only required to be completed and submitted for PAYG Employees, Working Holiday Makers, and J.P.D.A Employees as part of your Single Touch Payroll Reporting.
Removed the ability to create a Tax File Declaration Form for the following Employee Types as they cannot be reported with Single Touch Payroll:
Superannuation Fund
Government (organization)
Other Non-Individual, and
Foreign Employees.
V20.00 - Released 1 July 2019
The amalgamation of Student Debt Loans (STSL), incorporating HELP, VSL, SFSS , SSL, ABSTUDY SSL and TSL.
Practice Company has been updated to FYE 30 June 2020.
Updated all instances of e-PayDay Cloud to e-PayDay Hosted.